Newsletter #19: 10 KEY pieces of Good Energy content, plus a newsletter update!


Welcome back!

Happy July! This past week, I had the unbelievable joy to be fully unplugged while hiking in the jungle of the Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica connecting with plants, animals, nature, my partner, and my thoughts. It was bliss! I can’t wait to share reflections from the trip in my next newsletter.


Can you guess how much my average heart rate variability (HRV) and resting heart rate (RHR) - both markers of cardiac health and stress - changed during this week unplugged in the jungle? I’ll share my Oura data in my next newsletter! 😄


Before we jump in, I want to THANK YOU so much for being a part of the Good Energy Living community - we’ve hit over 40,000 subscribers in 6 months, and the community is growing every day! Whether you have been a reader since January or since last week: I want to extend my sincerest gratitude. 🙏

This week’s newsletter is a little different format than usual! Today, I’m sharing a few of what I think are the most helpful and empowering resources, tools, and content I’ve created during the Good Energy book tour. Think of these as your additional supplementary materials to Good Energy! 😄 By the way, if you are looking for the actual supplementary materials for the book (i.e., the Good Energy Food Journal, Good Energy Tracker, Resistance Training Tips and more, check them out on my website here).

At the end of this issue, I’ll also be sharing a few updates on the future of the newsletter, so read on!


1. 📺👂🏼 Huberman Lab Podcast (3 hours)

For anyone who wants to DIVE DEEP into the science of metabolism and why our healthcare system isn’t working as well as it could, this episode is for you. My favorite part is the last 20 minutes, where we talk about why it is SO IMPORTANT to go outside MUCH more than we are today (above and beyond vitamin D!).

We discuss how to leverage nutrition, exercise and environmental factors to enhance your metabolic health by improving mitochondrial function, hormone and blood sugar regulation. We also explore how fasting, deliberate cold exposure and spending time in nature can impact metabolic health, how to control food cravings and how to assess your metabolic health using blood testing, continuous glucose monitors and other tools.

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, or watch on YouTube below:


2. 📺👂🏼 On Purpose Podcast with Jay Shetty (2 hours)

If you are looking for a holistic and spiritual perspective on Good Energy, this podcast is great. I share how to take control of your health and TRUST your body. I also describe why I think the phrase “all good things in moderation” is particularly damaging to our health and represents a "leak in principles.” From the importance of expressing ourselves authentically to the benefits of walking and eating much more slowly, this conversation is packed with actionable advice to help you live a healthier, happier life.

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, or watch on YouTube below:


3. 📺👂🏼 The Doctor’s Farmacy with Dr. Mark Hyman (1 hour 20 minutes)

I learn something every time I chat with Dr. Hyman, and this podcast is no exception. We covered how to reimagine the healthcare system and the unbelievable power of daring to ask the question: “why?” We talk about using metabolic health as a barometer for our challenges as a society, the stark reality that every institution related to our health makes money off of sickness, and more.

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, or watch on YouTube below:


4. 📺👂🏼 Conversations Above the Noise Podcast with Maria Shriver (11 minutes)

No one asks questions as beautifully and thoughtfully as Maria Shriver! Maria and talk about how we can radically reframe our midlife — from our mood to our mind and our metabolic health.

This podcast is available to anyone with the Sunday Paper Plus membership. Here’s an exclusive look at our conversation 👇️


Start your free Sunday Paper Plus trial here.

5. 📺👂🏼 The Human Upgrade Podcast with Dave Asprey (1 hour)

My favorite part of this podcast was Dave and I discussing that inflammation is, in essence, a form of “biochemical fear.” Given this, in our pursuit of healing, we should be seeking to understand what our cells are “afraid” of… is it the environmental toxins, the toxic food, the lack of sleep, our negative self-talk, toxic relationships, or other factors of our modern world that are “scaring” our cells? Our feelings like anxiety make more sense in the context of a body (entirely made of cells) that is, on the individual level of the cell, experiencing “biochemical anxiety” in the form of the constant insults of our toxic modern world. Through that rationale, if we clean up the environment around our cells (food, sleep, stress, toxins, etc) ➡️ and improve cellular function and metabolic health ➡️ we can improve symptoms, both mental and physical.

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, or watch on YouTube below:


6. 📺 The Radiant Rest Podcast with Tracee Stanley (1 hour)

This was one of my favorite conversations of my book tour. Tracee is a former film producer turned yoga nidra luminary, and author of Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Awakened Clarity and The Luminous Self: Sacred Yogic Practices & Rituals to Remember Who You Are.

In this podcast, Tracee and I discuss the more subtle spiritual wisdom embedded in the study of metabolism; how our the disconnection from nature is a root cause of cellular dysfunction and metabolic dysfunction; how our bodies are transformers and emitters of light; and why the “collective forgetting” our true nature as miraculous beings is at the center of the American chronic disease epidemic; and how breaking our natural and seasonal cycles in favor of short-term approaches to modern “productivity” creates cellular dysfunction, and so much more.

I think this one will inspire you to see metabolism in a new light! ✨

Watch on YouTube below:


7. 📺👂🏼 Fox News Rundown with Dana Perino (25 minutes)

In this podcast, Dana and I discuss the absolutely fallacy of “cheap” food (there is no such thing; cheap food will cost you more in the long run!). Dana also asks me some hard-hitting, straight-forward rapid fire questions.

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, or watch on YouTube below:


8. 📖 NPR: In 'Good Energy,' a doctor lays out how to measure and boost your metabolic health (3 minute read)


Read the full article by Will Stone here.

9. 📖 Athletech News: In Longevity Game, Most Americans Have It All Wrong, Doctor Says (5 minute read)


This beautiful write up by journalist Courtney Rehfeldt shares about the origin story of Good Energy and the key points of the book. Read the full article here.

10. 📖 Free Guides

My Ultimate Food List (10 minute read)


Over the last 5 years, the top two questions I receive from people looking to improve their health are:

  1. What is OK to eat? 🤔

  2. Is [fill in the blank] bad? 🆘

So I answered those questions by creating an ultimate food guide! The guide includes simple rules to shop by, the 3 food components to avoid, and 5 to add to every meal, how to stock your pantry for optimal health, and what processed food and snacks pass my “good energy” test.

Download the Ultimate Food Guide here.

How to know if your cells are making GOOD ENERGY (aka, my lab guide) (10 minute read)


The question you’re trying to answer with standard blood tests is whether you are part of the 12% percent of people in the United States who meet the normal criteria for the six basic metabolic biomarkers without medication, and therefore are a step in the right direction to having Good Energy. This guide outlines the 6 tests EVERYONE needs, what they measure, what optimal ranges are, and where and how to get them done.

Download the guide here.

And, now, a Good Energy Living update! 💌

Based on feedback from YOU, the following changes will be happening with the newsletter starting next Tuesday, July 16th:

  • More frequent: I’ll be sending weekly issues on Tuesdays instead of every other week.

  • Shorter: Each issue will include either one Good Food, Good Swap, or Good Thought in each issue. While they will be a little shorter, they will still be PACKED with information that will help you optimize your cell biology, learn what to eat, and get you thinking about new ways to think about your health.

  • Available on my website: As a reminder, each issue is posted to my blog 1 week after it’s released, so you can reference the newsletter content anytime by using the search feature on my website.

Thank you again for being a part of this community and newsletter!

Sending you good energy 💗

Dr. Casey


Good Energy has been on the NYT bestseller list for 7 weeks! You can get a copy of Good Energy here. If you’ve read it, please consider writing an Amazon review - each review is incredibly helpful! 📚️


Forward to a friend: If you enjoyed this issue, please forward to a friend! They can sign up for the newsletter here.


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