Newsletter #53: 👩🍳 My 5 FAVORITE easy recipes from Good Energy!
Friends! It’s been a few weeks since I’ve shared any food related content, so I wanted to give you something very special: my 5 FAVORITE recipes from Good Energy! These are simple, delicious recipes I make on repeat for me and my husband. Enjoy!!

Newsletter #52: 🧽 Don't be a dirty filter
Today’s newsletter is going to unpack the digging I did to understand the (lack of) safety of these gym wipes, as a simple example of what we’re up against as inhabitants of a modern world driven by perverse incentives (profit over health) filled with over 350,000 synthetic chemicals.

Good 'Metabolic Health' Can Improve Your Whole Life. But What Is It, Exactly?
Casey was featured in this fantastic piece by Andrew Zaleski for Men’s Health.

8 New Health and Wellness Books That Entrepreneurs Should Read for Sustainable Success
Good Energy was featured in an article on Entrepreneur.

Newsletter #51: 🔥 12 Lessons from fire to help us live lighter and freer
Disasters can be our greatest teachers. This newsletter shares 12 lessons I’ve learned from the fire that I hope can help others find meaning and growth in hard times.

Newsletter #50: 🏡 Place as medicine: How our homes can create health or disease
Friends! I am so excited to introduce one of my dear friends of 20 years, Carrie Denning Jackson, as the guest author of the newsletter this week. Carrie shows us that just as we know food is medicine, PLACE can be medicine too. I’m so excited to share her powerful, actionable overview.

Newsletter #49: ☀️ Chats with ChatGPT about a healthier future
Lately, I’ve been using ChatGPT to explore ideas for a future that balances sustainability, biodiversity, and respect for nature with a growing human population, technological innovation, thriving democracy, and personal freedoms. This would be ideal, right? Is it possible?

Podcast Video: Dr. Casey Means on How Corruption in Food and Pharma is Wrecking Our Health - Dr. Casey Means on Grounded Wellness by Primally Pure
In this episode, Casey and Kristin discuss the shocking truth about the deep-rooted corruption in medical institutions, the future of healthcare under the Trump administration and why reconnecting with nature is the only path to true healing.

Podcast Video: Plastic in Our Brains?! Dr. Casey Means Explains Why Americans Are Sicker Than Ever - Dr. Casey Means on Let's Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari
In this episode, Casey and Kristin discuss corruption in the food and medical industries, including how our food has changed over the years and which chemicals in and on our food we should stay away from.

Podcast Video: What is the Impact of Metabolic Dysfunction to our Health? - Dr. Casey Means on Extend Podcast with Dr. Darshan Shah
In this episode, Casey talks about the critical role of metabolic health in overall wellness and its connection to chronic diseases like obesity, Alzheimer's, and diabetes.

Newsletter #48: 🐄 The quickest path to healthy humans: love the soil
If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that spending time in nature always brings me joy and makes me feel healthier. 🌲
One of my FAVORITE ways to be in nature is by visiting regenerative farms wherever I am in the world. I’ve written extensively about regenerative agriculture in my newsletter and Good Energy, and the core idea is simple: when it comes to agriculture, we can either fight against natural cycles (which is unsustainable and toxic) or support and nurture those cycles (which enhances both human and planetary health). Seems like a no-brainer, yet 99% of American farmland is not organic or regenerative, and instead uses destructive conventional practices that attempt to outsmart complex ecosystems and are ultimately more expensive for everyone (farmers, government, consumers).

Newsletter #47: 🫘 The unsung hero of detoxification (FIBER!!!💩) , plus a fire update
If you’ve read Good Energy, you know that I am obsessed with fiber. So much so that it is one of the 5 elements of Good Energy meals! In the wake of the LA fires, and in light of the fact that February is Heart Health month, I think it's important to revisit fiber as a critical tool for supporting comprehensive health, and especially detoxification.

Newsletter #46: 👩🏫 How one educator transformed her school’s food—and how you can too
I receive countless emails from parents and teachers dismayed by the state of school food today. Reforming childhood nutrition has been a passion of mine for years because it’s unconscionable that, in the wealthiest country in the world, corporate interests are consistently prioritized over children’s health. Sadly, that’s the reality.

Newsletter #45: 🤸♀️ Less pain, more joy! Metabolically healthy joints 101
In today’s newsletter, I will cover how arthritis is not just a structural issue but a biological issue tied to metabolic health (which we can improve!), expanding our thinking about surgery for some musculoskeletal issue, dietary changes and supplements that can help joints, and how the mind-body connection impacts joint pain!

Newsletter #44: 🧠 A protocol to protect your precious mind
The medical journal The Lancet has published that “around 45% of cases of dementia are potentially preventable by addressing 14 modifiable risk factors at different stages during the life course.” In this report, these risk factors included smoking, air pollution, hearing loss, diabetes, high blood pressure, social isolation, and physical inactivity.

Newsletter #43: ❤️🔥 Belonging and belongings: what I packed in panic (LA fires)
I thought I’d share with you the things I grabbed from the house in the seconds we had before fleeing. Reflecting on these instinctual choices, they feel like a clear indication of what matters—and what doesn’t—in my life. While standing in the middle of my living room during that brief, quiet moment before fleeing, my mind was scattered and blank, with no sense of strategy or plan—only primal instincts. So, while I did NOT think to grab my wallet, passport, birth certificate, toothbrush, or clothes (🤦♀️), I did grab items that feel irreplaceable to me. Despite forgetting nearly all the logistical necessities, I feel peaceful with these choices.

Newsletter #42: ✌️Inner peace for 2025: The most important thing
And since I know many of you are here for health and wellness information, just know that this is ALL connected to health. Because inner peace is the biochemical state where biological healing can take place. As I’ve talked about on podcasts and in my book, inflammation is biochemical fear. Peace is equanimity with our circumstances, and is the antidote to fear. Peace in our hearts and minds - which is cultivated through practices like meditation, breathwork, nature, gratitude, and prayer - contributes to peace in our cells, because it’s all connected, and our thoughts translate into biologic reality through our hormones and neurons, which can be messengers of safety and repair or danger and war. We want safety and repair.

Newsletter #41: 👩🍳🎉 Cook like no one’s watching
By normalizing disconnection and speed in every aspect of food preparation: growing food, sourcing food, preparing food, serving food, and eating food, we’ve transferred our attention to “more important” activities—like endless scheduled tasks, scrolling, and work. And we’re paying for it: as a society, we’re sicker, heavier, more depressed, and more infertile than ever. Kids are sick. Life expectancy is going down. Something isn’t working. And I think in part, losing our connection with food—the very substance that makes up our cells and rebuilds our bodies every day—has caused us to lose connection with ourselves.

Newsletter #39: ♻️ Metaphor of illness as a path to healing
We are not separate from the Earth; We are Her. Her illness is our illness.
Every second, trillions of atoms in our bodies exchange with the environment around us through things like breath, sweat, tears, oil, dead skin cells, saliva, urine, blood, pheromones, nails, milk, bacteria, viruses, and more. Energetically, we give off heat, electromagnetic signals, sound, and more. Hundreds of billions of our cells die and are reborn daily, and the new atoms in our bodies come from the 2-3 pounds of food and the 10,000+ liters of air we consume daily—constantly 3D-printing ourselves in a cycle of transformation and rebirth. This is the reality of our swirling lives: 98% of our atoms are replaced every year, and nearly all parts of our body were once a star: