Newsletter #31: ☀️15 ideas for a brighter future


Welcome back!  

Warning: This email is a long one! (Click “Read Online” in the top right to view this email in a browser, if desired).

I hope you’ll settle into a nice spot in the grass and peruse these musing with open mind. These ideas are shared with love and in hopes of sparking conversation and awareness that leads us to a brighter future for humans, the Earth, and all beings.

With that, here are 15 (potentially controversial) ideas that I am thinking hard about as I start another year around the sun at age 37   . These are my personal opinions, based on my current knowledge and life experiences, on mindset shifts I think could help us more toward a healthier future for people and the planet. They will probably evolve over time, because that’s what should happen to ideas. I hope they support you on your journey of inquiry for a happy, healthy, engaged life.


I think our modern obsession with the phrase “the science” represents a spiritual insecurity. As humans, we are desperate for concrete information to make sense of our world, when in reality, our universe is not fully knowable and our limited human sensory capability will likely never let us fully comprehend what is really going on. As David Hawkins, MD PhD says in Power vs. Force:

“The current elevation of science to the status of infallible oracle is an expression of our insecure compulsion to feel that there is some kind of a measurable, universally predictable, objective world "out there" upon which we can truly rely.”  

 David Hawkins, MD PhD

Science represents striving for empirical certainty, something that we will never be able to attain in our inherently unknowable universe. We don’t really have a clue how consciousness works nor what happens after death. We can never know what happened before the Big Bang. We will never know what’s beyond the outer edge of the universe. Why are we fooling ourselves into thinking we can be certain about anything? 

Our growing knowledge of astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and sub-cellular processes informs us that science is only a crude model and that “reality” extends far beyond our best “science.” And cynical forces in our largest institutions also understood that “science” and “research” can be manipulated to produce results to create power and profits. Science, of course, has been helpful in letting us better understand our world and life within it. But blindly “trusting the science” and suppressing our reason and common sense carries with it very dangerous consequences.   

Applying the scientific method to health and disease has immense utility for helping us understand the natural world and live healthy, longer lives, but it feels increasingly like there is a campaign being enacted against our divine gifts of intuition and heart intelligence (said more secularly: common sense). Perhaps this started in the Age of Reason in the 1600s and is peaking today. There is big money and big paranoia pushing against intuition and holistic thinking. This is why the Flexner Report was created. This is part of why witches were burned. Anything mystical, holistic, and unmeasurable is potentially too powerful to be allowed. Silence it.   

Using common sense or intuition is now labeled “dangerous” and even “alt-right.” (I have been labeled as both for simply stating in my book that we should trust our own bodies). There is a growing cultural sense of “how dare you!” if you presume to know what might be best for your body and your family. 

I love scientific inquiry: I am someone who reads scientific literature every single day and gets lost in the rabbit holes of Pubmed. I have hundreds of citations in my book, and I have published many peer reviewed scientific papers while doing research at Stanford, NYU, OHSU, and the NIH. But the term “the science” has been weaponized, used against people asking questions about the “dogma-of-moment” (which, in many cases, turns out to be wrong, paid for by industry, or is ineffective and harmful.)  Scientific inquiry can produce data that we should use to piece together a picture of the world so that we can best function and thrive as individuals and a society.  But a peer reviewed paper, especially one paid for by self-interested industry or compromised public (or academic) institutions, is not scripture, and it is not a substitute for our own intuition and common sense. 

We like to think perfect science eliminates risk, but it doesn't. We live in a complex interdependent cosmos and externalities of individual decisions are impossible to foresee. What I think minimizes risk the most is pairing uncorrupted science with common sense and intuition. Risk is a part of life, and working to eliminate it often causes more harm than good.

Especially as a woman, who in just the past few years has realized that it is an unbelievable power to be able to create life and consciousness inside my body with no instruction manual or peer reviewed paper to guide my womb, I am becoming increasingly wary of the forces in the world that tell us to silence our intuition in favor of linear thinking and “expert” advice (especially when the experts have monumental financial gain).


I believe the body is the material structure through which we can connect with the universal field of Spirit (or God by any definition you prefer - I am using it in the broadest metaphysical sense). Perhaps the body is simply the material “radio receiver” through which we can “tune in” to the divine. In a dualistic reality, there is the body and soul, and maybe our human predicament that comes with us at birth is that as our big brains grow, we forget we are more than just a body. Because of this, we pursue logic and pleasure over true happiness and spiritual development, and we trash our bodies. 

By destroying the body in our pursuit of material pleasure, I think we then have an even harder time connecting with the divine (we break the radio tower!), and then we feel more limited, and then we make more bad decisions.

The current role of the Western doctor is like very algorithmic and reactive - we look at lab work and symptoms and give a label for a disease, then match that disease with a pill or surgery, and then, of course, a bill. As doctors, we are slowly becoming robots, clearing the path for AI to take over medicine.

On the other hand, I believe a doctor could be so much more empowered if they thought of their work as something far more subtle: to be a steward of the physical body, to be a guide in the process of building a functional material body that is unimpaired by chronic illness and can then reach its highest purpose of gaining a clearer signal to God. 

See more in my tweet here:


American feminism had many great intentions and successes: equal rights, profound freedoms, endless opportunity for women. For this I am incredibly grateful, and I would not want to go back in time to a bygone era where women were treated as property, slaves, or worse. 

But I believe this positive movement was co-opted by forces who saw women as workhorses who could generate massive economic value and tax revenue, and so instead of “liberating” women, corrupt forces that manipulated the movement worked to convince women that the qualities that make them unique (like the ability to create life) were  liabilities and  handicaps to climbing the real measure of American success: economic productivity.  

I bought into this… for most of my life. I believed that babies were the enemy to my liberation and that I’d have to outperform my husband in order to be respected in my home… I believed I could and should “do it all,” and if I didn’t, I was not a modern woman and was a “taker.” I believed in “leaning in” until I was sick, because resting was weak. As I’ve grown up, I’ve learned that this is all ludicrous, and that I was sold a big, profitable lie.

When I was raised in the 90s and early 2000s, feminine powers like life-creation, mothering, and nurturing were conflated with subservience and liabilities. Ironically, feminism asked women to act more like men and didn’t celebrate the unique and miraculous characteristics of women. We were asked to ignore differences between men and women and ignore that polarities are inherent to nearly every aspect of the harmonious natural world. Even questioning whether men and women are different could be deemed a fireable offense. 

In the wake of the current monumental mental and physical health crisis among women (depression, infertility, Alzheimer’s rising at alarming rates!), women seem to be realizing how feminism got distorted: ie, women still need to propagate the species through pregnancy, childbirth, and childrearing (which men simply can’t biologically do), while also doing all the other necessary roles in society, just to be respected or “self-realized.”  Choose to do one or the other and you’re either a lazy housewife (and gold-digger) or a selfish capitalist career-woman. Choose to do both and you’re an absentee mom and a suboptimal employee and an SSRI junkie. Women have allowed themselves to become economic commodities, and are increasingly treated and traded as such. 

The feminist movement inherently squeezed the responsibility of species propagation, feeding a human from your own body, and raising healthy children into the sidelines of a woman’s life, into the “free time” before or after the 9-5 job.  It told women that in order to have value, you now need to have 2 full time jobs: be a goddess who creates life, and also be in the workforce full time contributing financially at all times. To allow this to even remotely work, birth became consumerized and medicalized far beyond the actual medical need, “food” (increasingly poison) got outsourced to corporations because no one has time to cook, children have a screen-based childhood because people are too busy to play, and childrearing got outsourced to daycare centers and public schools who increasingly believe that the children are theirs to raise, feed, and train. 

And it’s turned out poorly for pretty much everyone:  Women are burnt out, depressed and sick at astonishing rates, and having fewer children; men are resentful and lost; divorce rates are close to 50%,  no one is cooking for children and families aren’t eating together, and so children are sick, and have less opportunity to be loved, trained, and receive wisdom from their parents. Political forces capitalize on these trends, profiting off the instability, making it even harder for everyone to break out.

As a woman, I was taught to see receiving help or support as a weakness (“I can do it myself, dammit!!!”). This, of course, disempowers enlightened men,  whom I believe have an inherent desire to support and protect women. Feminism basically implies to men they aren’t necessary, which can’t feel good. I remember watching movies growing up where the “modern” woman didn’t want a man to hold the door for them, wouldn’t accept a man paying for a meal, etc. This was empowerment! (No, it’s not. It’s competition.)

I would have to go on a journey to deconstruct my identity as a “feminist” and move towards embodying a completely different and more subtle power: the divine feminine. I would go from being angry at men, angry at “the patriarchy,” and wanting “equality” in a relationship, to being committed to working as a dynamic team with a powerful man to create harmony and build a beautiful life by embodying different (although sometimes overlapping) roles.

What I now know is that creating life is a GIFT to our species, and humans who create life (women) need to be protected and supported to do that job. I also know now that rested, nourished women can create sheer magic. So, by allowing myself to receive, I am investing in my power that can support the world. Just as soil needs gentle tending and nurturing to produce abundant food for the world, so too women can benefit from gentle tending and nurturing to be in a biological state to produce life. Chronic stress destroys fertility.  When men and women support women, and women are confident and strong enough to accept that support, society will flourish. Women will show up in their full glory and give to everyone in spaces: children, men, other women, and society.  But you don’t get the best out of life-giving creatures by squeezing and exploiting them. It doesn’t work for soil (industrial agriculture). And it doesn’t work for women (“feminism”). 

I think the most beautiful path forward for humanity is a best-of-both-worlds approach:  a world where women have full freedom, opportunity, impact, ability to have independent financial resources, and intellectual purpose, and also a world in which we honor and respect the astonishing capability and responsibility of women to create, feed, and nurture life from our bodies. In this path, women feel confident in wanting to be nurtured and accepting support, rest, and care from men, other women, and society. In being willing to receive support, women then are healthy, safe, and can flourish, thereby allowing them to be a wellspring of health, life, and joy for all beings around them: men, children, other women, and the Earth. And, they can provide endless love, nurturing, wisdom, education, and support for their children.  

See more in my tweet here:


Our destroyed human health is a reflection of a destroyed planet. The Earth and the human body is fully interconnected and in constant exchange of matter. We are actively destroying the life-giving potential of the earth through pesticides, deforestation, and pollution, and this is being reflected in our infertility and chronic disease crisis. Our Silent Spring is rapidly becoming our American Graveyard. We use synthetic pesticides to try to outsmart cycles in nature, and we use birth control pills like candy in women to try to control the cycles of women. We are obsessed with stomping on the life-giving rhythm of nature (cycles are inherently frightening to people in a scarcity mindset because they oscillate between different poles, and therefore seem “unpredictable” if you aren’t watching the harmonious long term trends of cycles), and then trying to invent technological solutions to fix our mess. Our health will only be as good as the health of the planet. It’s all connected. 

We have broken the cycles of life on planet earth (diverted waterways, dams, landfills, septic systems, etc), and this is fundamentally unsustainable. The paths of egress and cycling of water and nutrients are broken on planet Earth because of humans, so we are seeing instability in nature (natural disasters, etc) as Earth tries to heal and recycle. This is fully reflected in the diseases of the body, many of which are rooted in stagnation to flow (see my article on this here).

See more in my tweet here:


The Law of Conservation of Mass says that matter cannot be created or destroyed but can just change forms. Nature does not “care” - it will get rid of impediments to its functioning. Today we are fighting nature at every turn.

When cycles of nature are working properly, matter gets constantly recycled into useful forms. And so there is an endless and creative potential to the Earth (and more broadly the cosmos) that is fundamentallty generative and artful. 

But in just a few millennia, human brains have evolved to the point where we have a unique ability to “play with” and mold matter in more complex synthetic forms — like new chemicals and materials, many of which get “stuck” in that form and can’t be recycled in natural ways (the best example of this is plastic). Simultaneously, we are killing the biological entities in the earth and oceans that help with recycling of matter (soil microorganisms, gut microbiome, worms, ocean algae, etc) that could help clean up the messes we are making. All of this recent human activity leads to a funneling of the finite atoms in existence out of the generative cycle of matter that would flourish if humans weren’t involved.

Humans are choosing to turn Earth’s matter into toxins and trash, which fill our oceans, landfills, streets, and waterways, so we have less matter available for the creative, generative use of the Earth, life, our health, and our survival. And so we are watching a hellscape develop, that will only change if we get back in touch with our spiritual nature of abundance, and unburden nature to do the work she needs to do to sustain life.

I think what’s happening right now is a test, and the result of the test is whether Spirit allows for this human experiment to continue. I think right now we are failing. I think “acing” this test looks like unburdening nature, re-creating the cycles of nature, using only what we need, and finding heart-brain coherence such that we can channel a direct connection to God while in these physical bodies - and I think if we do that, we will get instructions (through human inspiration and reason) for what we need to do to raise the vibration of humanity and create a sustainable future for all beings.

Damming rivers, creating landfills, putting human bodies in concrete graves where they can’t decompose, creating endless plastic, creating mass sewage systems instead of composting… all of this sequesters usable matter into unusable forms. This depletes the life-giving potential of planet Earth. Right now Los Angeles produces 98,952 TONS of non-compostable solid waste trash per day. What do we think the endgame is here? 

I don’t think be have fully felt the results of our actions until now, because I think we have been in a moment the last few hundred years where there are enough resources and redundancy to allow us to be negligent our resources  without feeling intense harm– and in doing so our population exploded quickly as we simply diverted the damages to the future. But I think what we’re seeing now is a tipping point. Every river is polluted. The ocean has trash piles that are bigger than entire countries. There are forever chemicals and pesticides in our groundwater. We are getting sicker, more infertile, weaker, unhappier - more drugs and surgery have not been an answer - we are dying.

We must restore cycles. We need to compost everything and stop making products that are indestructible, like plastic.  We need to compost all food, all bodies, all human waste, and not build products out of human-made materials that are virtually non-decomposable. We need to stop manipulating matter into chemicals that impair life. We need to stop looking for shortcuts. We need to act with humility towards the wisdom of the Earth and nurture her cycles rather than try to control and dominate them. And we need to dramatically change our approach to health care (which is actually sick care) to protect, sustain, and enhance human and planetary life (which it most certainly does not do today). 


There is a Kogi prophecy that we have until 2026 to show the Earth (which the Kogi call “the Mother”) that we want to help her heal; otherwise, she will shake humanity off like a gnat and we will perish, so that she can do her healing unencumbered by our destructive hubris. Perhaps the increasing uncontrollable natural disasters are Earth’s way of saying that she can’t handle the abuse.

Please watch this 5 minute video on the Kogi’s prophecy:


According to the Kogi prophecy, mid-2024 is when we need to start making serious efforts to awaken the world population; so this is right now. They warn that if world leaders don’t start coming together to meaningfully unburden the Mother, she (the Earth) will take action to stop us from hurting her so she can recover. 

I don’t believe that technological “advancements” like carbon capture are meaningfully unburdening the Mother - it’s a distraction. We must actually want less, hoard less, use less, produce less, all of which will stem from spiritual development, not technology.  

I wrote about the Kogi in my newsletter in January and the documentary “Aluna - An Ecological Warning by the Kogi People,” and this message is continually resurfacing in my orbit, which is why I feel I must share it here today. I use the Kogi prophecy metaphorically, as I don’t have personal insights into the timelines we are on. But I do feel we are on a road to disaster. I think we should take these messages seriously.

If we were spiritually grounded as a globe, might we see the frightening trends on Earth as communication from God, or certainly nature, that we must change course? Just as we have forgotten that symptoms are a gift from our cells, warning us about their needs not getting met, so too perhaps these natural disasters and our chronic disease crisis are ways of the Earth telling us that her biology is broken. If we connected with the silent truth within us, perhaps we would be called to see our unique role as humans as stewards of the Earth, not destroyers of her bounty. 


We are eating food that is so removed from life, so we are dying. We are made of food. We take on the qualities of the food we eat. Ultra-processed food is the dead-est food, which is what makes it deadly; the average piece of food travels 1500 miles from factory to plate; everything we eat is so separated from the time it was alive that there is not a life-giving transfer of energy. It is no wonder processed food destroys metabolic health - it is so far removed from the time it was alive, that much of it would have totally decayed unless toxic preservatives were injected into it.

Every minute that food is out of the ground it loses nutrients to degradation; so no wonder we too are degrading into chronic disease. I wrote a newsletter about the research on this, here. We need start growing our own food at home or in community. At the very least we need to buy it from organic farms where it was recently picked.

With the time, water, and money we spend on our grassy lawns and yards, we could easily grow the majority of our food. Instead of just having dogs and cats, we could raise chickens and goats and have abundant eggs and milk. We must get back to picking food from the garden and eating it near-immediately, the way we have done for most of human history. This is how we benefit from the tens of thousands of magical compounds in food that let us have functional, thriving bodies.

Metabolism is how we make energy in the body. Metabolic dysfunction, caused by non-nutritious food and other modern lifestyle factors, is a block to sufficient energy production. Ergo, metabolic dysfunction is like being a little bit dead while we’re alive. The Chronic Disease Crisis is an extinction level event - we are being warned, loudly. 


The dopamine cycles we’re addicted to are a reflection of our spiritual emptiness. We are untethered to meaning; looking for pleasure, forgetting that we are miracles who can access bliss at any moment by connecting with God. The sugar, alcohol, soda, refined carbs, vapes, cigarettes, weed, porn, dating apps, email, texts, casual sex, online gambling, video games, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and the relentless novelty of experiences are a reflection of not being able to go within, connect with God, and experience the bliss that come from this. Tends of thousands of scientists and marketing experts spend their lives and their gifts figuring out how to addict us to dopamine-releasing foods and experiences. It is astoundingly cynical. It crushes our Good Energy. 


If we try to “fix the system” without fixing the underlying delusion many of us are suffering from, nothing is going to work. The delusion we are suffering from is our irrational sense of being limited, separate from nature, and merely physical bodies who will live and die. (In fact, we are swirling hives of matter in constant exchange with matter from the world around us, with billions of our cells dying and being reborn every day of our lives). I think trying to “solve the problems” without realizing the root of the problems (our blindness to our miraculous life and spiritual nature), we could actually make things worse. Our “solutions” will then sprout from a fundamental place of scarcity and fear of death; so they are and will be lame in the face of the monumental challenges we are experiencing on planet Earth today. 

The real challenge that we are facing is that we don’t see our lives as the statistical miracle that they are. We don’t learn how to connect with our spirituality or even our breath; instead, we learn how to be worker bees and strive for wealth. We are disconnected from nature, so we try to outsmart nature and hoard material “security,” which then makes us sick and destroys our planet. 

All of this ultimately may be sending a signal to the Spirit world that we are not capable of being responsible stewards of our souls, and so I worry that Spirit and nature may choose to pass our species by. The things that are causing destruction ( like “natural disasters” and chronic illness) are in large part caused by our hubris and sense of scarcity, both of which cause us to make decisions out of fear that hurt life. We could fix this by each re-starting a constant and deep conversation with God/spirit asking for guidance on how to become un-lost as people and a species. When was the last time you simply sat quietly and asked God/spirit/ancestors/nature to help show you the way and guide you to your highest purpose? We can be having this conversation every single day, and I believe we will get useful answers.

Further Reading: What the Trees Said, by Deena Metzger


Is there really any difference between a food chemical and a drug? We allow 10,000 largely unregulated chemicals in and on our food (like atrazine, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), potassium bromate, azodicarbonamide. Many of these are outlawed around the world. What is the difference between these chemicals and a drug? They are all molecules synthesized by chemists in a laboratory and have a biological effect. 

I don’t think we realize that we are being drugged at scale with every bite of processed food or pesticide covered food we are eating. 

As my friend Jason Karp (co-founder of Hu Kitchen) says: “Not reading ingredient labels is like taking random pills from a stranger.”


We will need a whole new paradigm of medicine to combat what is happening right now with plastics. Plastics are found now in our brains, carotid arteries, placentas… they have been found in every single human organ. They are being found in our mitochondria. And, research is showing that the presence of plastic in certain organs and body structures portends much worse disease outcomes. How do we think this is going to turn out? Why is there virtually no regulation on plastic production and disposal? What do we think is going to happen if we keep filling our oceans with plastics at exponential rates? We have produced 8 billion tons of plastic in just over 100 years, which are now breaking down into microplastics and acting as mitochondrial toxins and estrogen analogs. Many of our current drugs don’t work very well now, and they especially aren’t going to work well on a body filled with plastic (a new physiology). We will become medically and surgically impotent in the face of plastic-related diseases. Few in the healthcare system appear to be preparing for this. 

See more in my newsletter here:


Plastics, pesticides, birth control pills… These are ubiquitous in our environment and can all can act like estrogen in the body, in both boys and girls, starting in fetal life.

Refined sugar and grains then contribute to visceral fat which converts testosterone to estrogen. We are under-muscled as a sedentary culture, and this also decreases testosterone.

These sex hormone imbalances are making us sterile (infertility is rising rapidly, see my newsletter on this here), contribute to our chronic disease epidemic, and I think are also leading to general diminishment of American vigor.

We have to get our hormones back on track by curtailing the plastic and pesticide use, stop the toxic endocrine disrupting chemicals in nearly all of our products, stop stressing constantly, stop overusing birth control pills en masse for illogical reasons like acne, lift some heavy weights multiple times per week, eat real food and support our microbiome, and support our liver and gut health to properly excrete hormones. 


Over the past year, I have been getting deafening signals from so many sources that we need to stop ignoring the intelligence of our hearts: our heart wisdom. We are obsessed with the knowledge of the brain: the linear, logical rationality of thought. 

Yet we forget that there are countless neurons in the heart and the gut that also think and are transmitting information to us at all times. We have been told to ignore them.  A dear friend of mine in a spiritual experience was told that “even more than the pesticides and the chemicals, the main thing that is making us sick is the lack of love in our world.” 

As talked about in Kimberly Snyder’s new book: The Hidden Power of the Five Hearts, so many spiritual traditions relied on heart wisdom to guide decision making. The electromagnetism of the heart was thought to be one of the ways we communicate with the intelligence of the universe. Meditating on our heart for just a few minutes can completely change the electromagnetic signature of our heart-field ️ 


This is how the electromagnetic characteristics of our heart changes by simply focusing on appreciation rather than anger. Courtesy of “The Hidden Power of the Five Hearts”


I wonder this: if every person on planet earth - or even a large portion of us - could get into heart-brain resonance, could we very quickly tune into a frequency of peace and be able to “hear” answers that are more powerful and productive than what we can simply think?  Could we end wars and start to care for our communities and environment? 

We are not in heart coherence in part because of our digital algorithms, which cause us to be disembodied, fearful, excessively proud and ambitious, and distracted. I fear AI because this represents a form of intelligence without a heart - it is intelligence without the connection to God or the spirit. It is not the answer to our problems. 

One of the hardest things I try to do in life is just to stop everything, breathe, and focus on my heart, and work to get it into heart coherence. We could use the power of the heart to work together to connect with God and know how to act to raise the vibration of the universe. But we are blocked right now. We are so distracted with our technology that we don’t even take 5 minutes a day to do this; and perhaps that’s all that’s needed to tune into insights that could change the world. 

It is no surprise that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the Western world - we have rejected our heart intelligence, so now we have to claw for “answers” through the myopic capabilities of our rational, linear brain. In doing so, we get limited answers, we disconnect from love, we get stressed, we self-sooth, and it all causes our heart to literally become sick and kill us.  


Light comes from stars and travels millions and billions of miles to connect with our bodies and control our biology. Light transforms into chemical bonds in the chloroplasts of plants on earth to create structure in the material world. Our human bodies emit photons from the mitochondria when we break down molecules to create energy. Molecules on planet earth that dim the mitochondria’s ability to emit light. Light controls our thoughts and biology through Circadian biology and clock genes. The future of medicine will be about light. I don’t exactly know how yet. 

For humans, we know our light will re-integrate with the world and the universe at death. We are the creatures who know that we can emit more light, like stars, if we are metabolically healthy. This health allows our brains to work functionally and tap into deep intuition and spiritual guidance which can change the world for the better.  But we also know we have the power to destroy the world. That is our gift and our burden. We must choose. 


At this time in my life, as I plan to have children, I am increasingly feeling outraged that vaccine companies are legally immune from being sued since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was enacted in 1986. I also find it perplexing that people are often shamed for asking any questions about the 70+ injected medications going into their childrens’ bodies before the age of 18. I am not making a statement about the utility of vaccines; I am making a statement about an $80 billion industry getting to have legal immunity from wrongdoing and having the American population in a chokehold that forces them to comply with the complete schedule or face consequences. It is a serious act to inject a body with any substance that can permanently change the immune system. Any in many cases, this might be useful! But it is seriously problematic that this gargantuan industry that financially influences government agencies can then mandate dozens of injections into kids and is not liable for harm (particularly in the face of increasing scientific evidence that the current vaccine schedule may be causing harm to children).

Well, that’s a lot! What are your thoughts?

With good energy,

Dr. Casey

Newsletter Sponsor: Pendulum


I love Pendulum and take it every day!


Pendulum is the only probiotic that I recommend for 3 reasons: 

  1. CLINICAL RESEARCH: Their Glucose Control formulation has been clinically tested in randomized placebo-controlled trials assessing the efficacy of their probiotic strains in managing blood sugar, and the results are POWERFUL: in individuals with type 2 diabetes, the data showed that those who received Pendulum's probiotic formulation experienced a 32% decrease in post-meal blood glucose spikes and a 0.6% decrease in hemoglobin A1C relative to placebo. I choose to take this daily as a part of my metabolic health strategy. 

  2. AWESOME FOUNDER: I know and trust the founder, Dr. Colleen Cutcliffe, who earned a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Johns Hopkins and is on a mission to improve metabolic health. Watch our recent instagram live, here

  3. PERSONAL BENEFITS: I have benefitted from the product myself in managing my blood sugar. Glucose Control is part of my holistic strategy to keep my metabolic health in excellent shape, which to me means keeping my fasting glucose between 70-85 mg/dL (the lower end of normal) and to keep my post-meal blood sugar spikes generally below about 120 mg/dL. I have found that this product helps me meet these goals. 

Get an exclusive discount using my code, DRMEANS, for 20% off on all Pendulum membership first orders.

Products to explore:

  1. Glucose Control: This is the only clinically proven probiotic combination on the market for the nutritional management of type 2 diabetes, and the research was published in peer-reviewed BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care in 2020

  2. Metabolic Daily:  This includes live Akkermansia muciniphila (a Pendulum exclusive strain), Clostridium butyricum, Clostridium beijerinckii, Anaerobutyricum hallii, and Bifidobacterium infantis. Akkermansia is a keystone strain for gut health and strengthens gut health. Fascinatingly, Akkermansia feeds off the mucin layer lining the intestinal walls, and by doing this, it encourages the epithelial cells to produce more mucin, which strengthens the gut lining. As I talk about in Good Energy, having a strong gut lining is key to metabolic health, as a damaged gut lining (“leaky gut” or “intestinal permeability”) can lead to systemic inflammation that contributes to insulin resistance/metabolic dysfunction. 

  3. GLP-1 Probiotic: We are all hearing about GLP-1 agonist medications these days like Ozempic and Wegovy, which act like our natural satiety hormone, GLP-1, and minimize hunger. Unfortunately, these drugs come with many potentially serious side effects. GLP-1 Probiotic is formulated with beneficial bacterial strains that naturally increase GLP-1 (based on preclinical studies), a hormone that is essential for appetite regulation and metabolic health. In a survey of 274 consumers of the product, 91% reported reduced overall food cravings, and 88% reported reduced sugar cravings.


This chart helps you understand which Pendulum product might be right for you


👀 In Case You Missed It

👩🏼‍🍳 Cooking with Color with Sonja Manning - an INCREDIBLE newsletter and recipe club, fully aligned with Good Energy!


Your solution to metabolically healthy, fresh, easy recipes!


More than 78% of consumers say they receive conflicting information about what to eat, even though the answers are SIMPLE and DELICIOUS.

My dear friend Sonja Manning has launched a free newsletter - Cooking in Color - and a very affordable paid recipe club (called THE COLOR CLUB) to show you the powerful metabolic effects of a colorful whole food diet through simple and delicious recipes.

Sonja and I have worked together for years now, and we’ve also cooked a lot and shared many meals together. You may remember her breakfast biscuits from a previous newsletter of mine, or her healthy take on a hot dog bun.

Her food philosophy is completely synergistic with mine, and she creates wildly colorful meals made from real, whole foods and shows you exactly how you can do this while avoiding non-colorful foods like refined sugars, refined grains, and industrial seed oils.

Subscribe to her newsletter + recipe club for recipes, health tips, and even more to come!


Color Club:


Trust me, you want to get on this fabulous woman’s newsletter and recipe club!!!


👩‍🏫 New Course for Healthcare Practitioners with me and Rupa Health!


I am running a 6 week course starting in October unpacking all things metabolic health!


I am running a 6 week course starting in October unpacking all things metabolic health!

Many of the healthcare professionals in this community have been asking for more information about all of the things I discuss in Good Energy.

I am so excited to share that I’m doing a 6-week bootcamp with Rupa Health starting October 21st where you’ll learn how to master metabolic health, transform your practice and your patients’ lives, and detect metabolic dysfunction early with comprehensive diagnostics.

Join me for for six comprehensive lectures, six live Q&A sessions, an included Access Medical Labs Metabolic Panel and a free copy of my #1 Best-selling book, Good Energy.

Live sessions will be held at 2:00 pm PDT / 5:00 pm EST on October 23rd, 30th, November 6th, 13th, 20th, and December 4th. All sessions are 60 minutes, recorded, and will be made accessible to enrolled practitioners.

Sign up for the bootcamp here.

🎓️ FREE live lecture with Rupa Health - ALL ARE WELCOME!


Free lecture! Free lecture! Free lecture! Join us October 11th!!!


Free lecture! Free lecture! Free lecture! Join us October 11th!!!

Join us on October 11th, 2024 9AM PT and learn about the clinical importance of understanding metabolic health in every patient, how to test for it and key dietary and lifestyle changes that can start to improve it.

In this lecture, I’ll discuss:

  • The Burden of Metabolic Dysfunction in the US and the Metabolic Spectrum of Disease: Gain an understanding of the spectrum of metabolic diseases and review the criteria for diagnosing metabolic syndrome.

  • Understand the Landscape of Metabolic Testing: Identify the essential metabolic tests to order for every patient at least twice a year, and distinguish between optimal and normal ranges for each test.

  • Introduction to Benefits of Using Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) in Practice: Understand the process of ordering a CGM for patients and how to interpret the data it provides

Register for the live class here. Hope to see you!

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