Newsletter #52: 🧽 Don't be a dirty filter
The chemical cocktail that's messing with our cell biology
I recently joined a beautiful gym that I was incredibly excited about—finally settling into a new routine after the upheaval of the LA fires. This gym checked all the boxes: a seven-stage advanced osmosis water filtration system (LOVE IT!!), state-of-the-art equipment, and even an outdoor workout area in the sunshine. But my excitement quickly faded when I noticed something troubling.
On my first visit, I felt lightheaded after my workout. I chalked it up to exertion. The second time, I walked in and was hit with a strong "cleaning smell." That workout left me not only lightheaded but also struggling with labored breathing and a headache. That’s when I started investigating.
The culprit? The sanitizing wipes, with dispensers placed about every 15 feet around the gym for wiping down equipment after use. When I took a wipe out and smelled it, it was clear this was the chemical cleaning smell that was so strong in the gym. Today’s newsletter is going to unpack the digging I did to understand the (lack of) safety of these gym wipes, as a simple example of what we’re up against as inhabitants of a modern world filled with over 350,000 synthetic chemicals. It’s important to remember that even though many of these chemicals are now commonly used, it does NOT mean they are safe.
Momentous is offering a HUGE discount of 35% off all new subscription orders with the code DRCASEY. Click here to order. Get a subscription and stay consistent with your vitamins! Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter for my SLEEP STACK, the supplements I use for building muscle and supporting brain health, my immunity stack, and more.
🕵️♀️ A little digging goes a long way
As I dug in, I noticed that the gym was stocked with Zogics sanitizing wipes, which, according to their label, contain:
Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride
N-Alkyl ammonium chloride
“Fragrance: A clean, fresh scent” (undisclosed proprietary chemicals)
The first two ingredients are classified as “quaternary ammonium compounds” (QACs) – much more on them below (it’s not good). And that leaves 99.72% of the ingredients completely unknown—hidden under vague terms like "other components below reportable levels." (WTF.)
It’s always interesting to google the “Safety Data Sheets” for consumer products you use, and check the Environmental Working Group’s rating. They tell you the crazy risks of the product in plain text! 🤦♀️
A quick look at the official Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the exact wipes in the gym was enough to confirm my concerns:
Hazard statement: Wear protective gloves/eye protection/face protection.
Ventilation: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Provide adequate ventilation. Avoid release to the environment. Do not empty into drains. Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions.
Inhalation: If inhaled, move to fresh air. Prolonged inhalation may be harmful. Call a physician if symptoms develop or persist.
Health hazards:
Causes eye irritation.
Toxic to aquatic life.
Skin contact: Wash off with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists.
Respiratory protection: In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits (where applicable) or to an acceptable level (in countries where exposure limits have not been established), an approved respirator must be worn.
Ecotoxicity: Toxic to aquatic life. Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
In other words, these wipes were never designed or approved for everyday human contact. They were formulated for hospital and commercial settings where staff wear gloves, respiratory protection, and protective clothing—not for casual use in a fitness center with no open windows or doors where people are breathing deeply, touching the wipes with bare hands, sweating, and touching surfaces.
Additionally, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) gives the active ingredient in this product a D rating. 👇️
🧪 The dark history of many modern chemicals
Like many of the most destructive chemicals plaguing our modern world—pesticides, herbicides, industrial solvents, forever chemicals—this class of disinfectants used in the gym wipes traces its origins back to 1930s Nazi Germany. Gerhard Domagk, a German bacteriologist with ties to the Third Reich, advanced the development of quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs), which are still widely used today.
✍️ Read more: Newsletter #24 - THE #1 thing we can do to improve health: Avoid pesticides
These chemicals were not designed with human safety in mind. They were designed for war, for industry, for sterilization at the cost of long-term health consequences. And yet, they are now embedded in our daily lives, from the wipes at your gym to the preservatives in your food.
And it’s not just the smell of these chemicals that is getting us, it’s touching surfaces treated with them, as well: A paper in Environmental Science and Technology states that “if not wiped off after disinfection, QACs can stay on surfaces, which would lead to postapplication exposure. In the latter case, exposure routes include touching disinfected hard surfaces, unintended hand-to-mouth contact (e.g., ingestion of both surface residues and dust-bound QACs),and dermal absorption of chemicals present on hands after surface-to-hand contact. Li et al. modeled human exposure to 14 QACs after their application to indoor hard surfaces. Assuming the applied disinfectants are not wiped off after disinfection, hand-to-mouth contact was found to contribute most (>90%) to postapplication exposure.”
Additionally, “children have 14–55 times higher daily uptake of these QACs compared to teenagers and adults due to their more frequent hand-to-mouth contact,” and, of course, their lower surface to volume ratio which concentrates the impact.
Because QACs are found in cleaning products, it makes sense that “the total QAC concentrations in samples collected during the [COVID-19] pandemic were significantly higher than those measured in blood collected before the pandemic (medians 6.04 ng/mL vs 3.41 ng/mL, a 77% increase).”
These chemicals are now also being found in breastmilk. 🤦♀️
While the EPA says these quaternary ammonium compounds are A-okay, let’s see what the actual research shows, from “Quaternary Ammonium Compounds: A Chemical Class of Emerging Concern” 👇
1. 🫁 Respiratory effects: Chronic lung diseases at higher rates when exposed to QACs
“In a prospective cohort study of female nurses in the US, high-level exposures to disinfectants and cleaning products, including QAC-containing items, were significantly associated with increased risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, independent of asthma and smoking status.”
“Studies conducted among hospital staff, staff in other sectors, and case reports have found exposure to QAC-containing disinfectants and cleaning products to be linked to work-related asthma.”
2. 🦠 Immune effects: More QACs = more inflammatory molecules in circulation
“A pilot study examining the immune response to QAC exposure in humans reported that 80% of participants had blood residues of [QACs] and a dose-dependent increase in inflammatory cytokine concentrations.”
3. 🍆 Reproductive toxicity: QACs were once used to sterilize dogs! 🤯
“A 6 month breeding trial in mice exposed orally to a commercial cleaning product containing [QACs[ demonstrated infertility and decreased fecundity.”
“The potential for reproductive toxicity of QACs is highlighted in a patent from 1975 titled “Method for the Control of Fertility’’ that presents studies demonstrating that dietary administration of QACs to dogs and rats is embryocidal, ovicidal, and/or spermicidal.”
No human epidemiologic studies on reproduction or development have been identified.
4. 😦 Skin problems
Skin irritation, sensitization, and dermatitis associated with QAC exposure have been reported.
5. 🤱 Developmental toxicity: QACs may lead to serious fetal malformation
“Exposure to a commercial cleaning product containing [QACs] impaired embryo development, caused neural tube defects (NTDs), and increased embryonic death in mice.”
6. 🔋 Mitochondrial issues: QAC damage metabolism and mitochondria
“Chemically, most QACs can accumulate into a negatively charged mitochondrial matrix. Evidence of direct inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation comes from multiple in vitro studies involving several QACs.”
Now, those who claim to be “evidence based” will say that none of this above mentioned data matters. “It’s in mice, rats, it’s small studies! It’s pseudoscience! Ignore it all!’
But I won’t! I can’t! Not with autism rates at 1 in 22. Not with cancer affecting nearly 50% of Americans. Not with early onset Alzheimer’s dementia skyrocketing. Not with autoimmune diseases increasing 12% per year in some studies. Not with over 50% of Americans having type 2 diabetes. We’re being poisoned. We have to put the pieces together, or humanity will become so sick, depressed, and infertile that we perish.
✍️ Read more: Newsletter #25: American health is getting destroyed (and it is simple to improve)
🧽 Our body is a filter! Don’t be a dirty one!
I can’t overstress this enough: Your body IS a filter. A big, wet, squishy biologic filter. If you don’t protect your body from excess synthetic chemical exposure, then it will need to spend an inordinate amount of its energy and resources on dealing with toxins rather than thriving. Every synthetic chemical you inhale, absorb through your skin, or ingest—your body must process. Your beautiful lungs, your respiratory lining, your kidney, your liver, your skin, your gut: all types of filters. Of course, the body can handle and process a certain amount of synthetic chemicals and toxins. But the onslaught of chemicals we now face in our modern world – with at least 350,000 chemical substances registered for production and large scale use over the past 30 to 40 years – is simply too much. We’re tipping the scales at overloading our cell biology, and it’s breaking. We know that so many of these chemicals are obesogens, meaning chemicals in the environment that disrupt our metabolism and lead to metabolic dysfunction and obesity. Respect the filter of the body by avoiding excess exposure AND speaking up to get toxins removed from public places, food, schools, etc!
📺 Watch more: Obesogenic chemicals 101 with Dr. Casey
This is what the body is required to do JUST to process QACs! And this is one class of tens of thousands of chemicals we are exposed to!
Now, imagine this happening thousands of times a day. What might that lead to? 👇️
Chronic fatigue (your cells are drowning in synthetic toxins, impairing energy production in our cells, aka metabolism)
Inflammation (relentless immune activation against foreign compounds)
Mitochondrial dysfunction (energy production gets hijacked by chemical stressors)
Increased cancer risk (DNA damage from persistent exposure)
We didn’t evolve with these synthetic chemicals. And yet, we are surrounded by them:
Pesticides on food (only 1% of US farmland is organic, and research shows 81% of us have detectable glyphosate in our urine)
Toxic BPA in thermal paper chemicals in receipts
Air fresheners, scented trash bags, and dryer sheets emitting VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
Artificial flavors, dyes, & preservatives in processed foods
VOCs released from furniture, paint, and household cleaners
Microplastics in the water supply, foods, and drinks
Toxic fame retardants in mattresses, couches, and electronics
Heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic) in water, food, medications, soil, and cosmetics
Formaldehyde and neurotoxic metals like aluminum in government-mandated vaccines
Endocrine disruptors in canned foods, personal care products, and cleaning products
PFAS (“forever chemicals”) in nonstick cookware, waterproof clothing, and fast food packaging
And so, so, so many more…
✍️ Read more: Newsletter #2 - Air fresheners are poison
Whether you like it or not, and whether you consciously know it or not, these synthetic chemicals are floating around our bloodstreams, interacting with our cells, all the time. Our bodies are confused and overwhelmed.
What we can do
We don’t have to accept this chemical onslaught as inevitable, even though trillions of dollars of global industry is fueling it. I’ve written about what you can do and choices you can make extensively in other articles (See Newsletter #24, Newsletter #50, and my non-toxic gift guide) and in my book Good Energy, but here are some simple ideas relevant to the specific gym setting, just to get ideas flowing:
Simpler, cheaper cleaning products: Use bamboo paper towels and a spray bottle with vinegar and water, hydrogen-peroxide based all purpose cleaner like Ecos (which also kills 99.9% of germs), or Branch Basics.
Open the doors!: Improve ventilation in any space, as indoor air pollution is often 2 to 5x worse than outdoor air pollution.
Get non-toxic wipes: There are plant-based unscented wipe options like Babyganics. If the gym were going to stick with the brand Zogics which makes the toxic wipes, a slightly better option would be to get their “non-toxic” “eco-friendly” version which uses citric acid instead of Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride and other QACs. Unfortunately, these still have a fragrance in them.
Fear of giving feedback?
A while back, I surveyed my audience on Instagram about whether they would feel comfortable speaking up to share direct feedback with a company or brand if they wanted them to provide cleaner, non-toxic, scent-free products. Amazingly, 62% said “No,” either because they are “nervous to speak up” or “don’t think it will make a difference.” So, for companies or gyms that might reply, “we’ve never heard this feedback before!”... It might not be because there isn’t a problem. It might just be because of customers’ anxiety about ruffling feathers.
I genuinely pray that the gym is open to an alternative, because I ALWAYS maintain better fitness when I’m a part of a great gym!
Sending you good wishes for a good energy week!
💗 , Dr. Casey
Newsletter Sponsor: Momentous!
One of the best ways you can support my newsletter is by supporting my sponsors who are creating the cleanest, highest quality health and wellness products.
Momentous 🎉
Momentous is my favorite 1-stop-shop for the MANY supplements I take on top of my prenatal vitamin. Momentous uses the highest-quality ingredients, and 100% of their products are rigorously tested by independent third parties. And, Momentous is trusted by more than 200 professional and college sports teams who use these products! 🏀
My friends at Momentous are giving you A HUGE discount today: 35% off all new subscription orders with the code DRCASEY. Click here to order.
Below is my Momentous stack (I know it seems like a lot, and this isn’t even all the supplements we take!). Each one serves a specific purpose and they help me feel amazing:
😴 Sleep and Relaxation:
Sleep Pack: I take this every night about an hour before bed to ease into restful sleep (and it comes in a cute + convenient packet!). The Sleep Pack combines three expert-curated ingredients - magnesium, L-theanine, and apigenin - designed to work together to enhance overall sleep quality. (Individual supplements are also sold separately if you prefer: Magnesium L-Threonate, L-Theanine, Apigenin). If I feel particularly stressed during the day, I aIso lean on L-Theanine to help me regulate my nervous system.
Elite Sleep: I take this maybe once a month when I’m feeling a bit wired and want to really get a good, long night sleep. It’s extremely effective at helping me fall asleep. It contains 4 key nutrients that support the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle: melatonin, tart cherry powder, L-Theanine, and Valerian root. This is not something you would take every day, but is useful when you need extra support getting to sleep.
💪 Performance and General Health:
Turmeric: I LOVE TURMERIC. Turmeric is a natural alternative to Advil/Motrin for aches, pains, headaches, and inflammation. Turmeric contains a potent anti-inflammatory molecule (curcumin) that lowers inflammation when used consistently by decreasing the activity of the master inflammatory gene Nf-KB. I always try turmeric before any over-the-counter pain medication because research shows turmeric can do the job just as well for some symptoms! My husband credits high dose turmeric and the “Dr. Casey diet” for avoiding a knee replacement.
Omega-3s: Numerous studies have consistently demonstrated the positive impact of omega-3 fats EPA and DHA on cardiovascular health, brain function, and exercise recovery. Momentous Omega-3 includes a potent 800 mg of each DHA and EPA and undergoes regular NSF testing to ensure lead and mercury levels are undetectable.
Zinc: Zinc plays a VITAL role in supporting and boosting immune system performance, and cellular growth and repair, so this is a key aspect of my immune support with my supplements. I take 15 mg a day, and (knock-on-wood) I have not gotten sick all winter!
Magnesium Malate: Most all of us need more magnesium! Magnesium plays a huge role in over 300 cellular functions, including energy metabolism, muscle function, protein synthesis, and maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Magnesium malate enhances energy levels and supports muscle function before physical activity, aids in muscle recovery and reduces post-exercise soreness, and supports mood and cardiovascular health.
🥗 Nutrition:
Whey protein, collagen, and Momentous creatine: These three sit on my kitchen counter and are part of my morning matcha routine! I put a scoop of Momentous unflavored whey (or a scoop of Momentous grass-fed collagen), plus a scoop of creatine, with grass-fed milk and organic matcha in a milk frother, and drink this on the way to my morning workout! Creatine has long been known for its benefits on muscle protein synthesis, but new research is showing that there may also be benefits on cognitive function, supporting brain health. Heading into my forties, and knowing that muscle mass declines at age 35, I’m taking a scoop of creatine every single day.
Momentous makes a ton of other products, like a high quality multivitamin, vitamin D, stacks that support focus and cognition, and supplements that support athletic performance.
Again, Momentous is generously offering a HUGE discount of 35% off all new subscription orders with the code DRCASEY. Click here to order. Get a subscription and stay consistent with your vitamins!
Game changers for sleep.
Some of the best tools in my toolbox for overall health. I take these every day.
Whey, collagen, and creatine go in my morning matcha or smoothies every single day!
A little more 👇️
☣️ The bigger chemical fight taking place RIGHT NOW… Bayer’s paying politicians to implement legal immunity for pesticide manufacturers
Meanwhile, on the national level a major legislative battle around chemical exposure is unfolding that you should be aware of! Bayer-Monsanto (the maker of Roundup) and other pesticide giants are lobbying for sweeping legal immunity, which would prevent them from being sued for the harm their chemicals cause. If passed, this will be terrible for humanity and nature, because these chemicals are known to cause cancer and biodiversity loss, and these liability shields will cause more pesticides to be used. Recall, Bayer-Monsanto has had to pay out tens of billions of dollars of fines to cancer victims for jury verdicts against Roundup.
In several American states, including Iowa and Missouri, legislation to help conventional (non-organic) farmers is being proposed that would protect pesticide companies from claims that they failed to warn consumers about cancer risks if their product labels comply with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. According to Moms Across America:
“Bayer/Monsanto has just hired 20 agrochemical lobbyists to convince your Senators and Congressmembers that they should enjoy complete immunity from lawsuits, just like the vaccine companies. In other words, they should be able to produce pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, and as long as the EPA gives them a license to do so (which does not establish safety for human exposure), then they could never be sued for cancer or other harmful impacts due to exposure to their products.”
Moreover, organizations like “Modern Ag Alliance” – presenting themselves as a grassroots initiative, but actually created and funded by Bayer-Monsanto– have been promoting the safety of glyphosate and calling naysayers of these new proposed laws as “anti-farmer.”
‼️ CALL TO ACTION: Go to THIS WEBSITE and find out how to ask your Senator or Congressman to say no - a simple email to their office makes a HUGE difference! Especially relevant for people living in North Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Missouri, Florida, Georgia, Georgia, Montana, Tennessee, and Idaho. You can simply google the email address for the Senator or Congressman and tell them you do not want these bills passed.
And of course, you can stop the support of the pesticide industry by buying organic food, supporting organic farmer’s markets, NEVER buying or using synthetic weed killers in your home or yard, and talking to your schools, parks, golf courses, etc to ensure that they are not using synthetic pesticides on grass.
And if you need a reminder of the health impacts of pesticides, or know someone who still thinks “organic doesn’t really matter,” take a look at this graphic I made (and share it!).
💫 Hopeful progress on the chemical front
As of yesterday, HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has directed the FDA to explore rulemaking to eliminate the self-affirmed GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) pathway, which currently allows companies to self-declare food ingredients safe without robust research or safety data. This move aims to enhance transparency, ensure FDA oversight of new ingredients, and close a loophole that has allowed potentially unsafe substances into the food supply. The FDA and HHS also plan to work with Congress on legislative measures to reinforce this reform, aligning with their broader commitment to consumer health and transparency. This would be great news, as it might hold industry to a higher standard to proving safety of food chemicals before they enter our food supply. Currently, there are around 4,000 chemicals allowed in our food supply (see the FDAs official list here). Most are not studied for safety, and, of course, the synergistic effect of all these chemicals is impossible to study.
A great step forward!!
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