Podcast Video: ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION May Mean Chronic Disease & EARLY DEATH with Dr. Merrill Matschke
In this conversation with Dr. Casey Means, Dr. Matschke shares the mechanistic links between metabolic health and men’s health issues, especially vascular erectile dysfunction and fertility, all have to do with decreased nitric oxide production, oxidative stress, low testosterone, and chronic inflammation.
Podcast Video: Symptoms & Diseases Tied to INSULIN RESISTANCE & Metabolism with Dr. Ben Bikman
Many diseases traditionally associated with aging have a metabolic root cause, including seemingly-unrelated conditions like tinnitus and gallbladder stones. But with a metabolic origin (specifically with insulin resistance), there can be a metabolic solution. Blood glucose levels and insulin are tied to many more chronic diseases than just Type 2 Diabetes.
Podcast Video: How Uric Acid is a Key Cause of Weight Gain, Diabetes, Heart Disease & Dementia with Dr. David Perlmutter
Levels Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Casey Means, chatted with our advisor, Dr. David Perlmutter on the discovery of how the elevation of uric acid in the body is a causative mechanism in the development of metabolic diseases, and one of the key links between obesity, diabetes, heart disease, neurologic diseases like dementia, ADHD, fatty liver disease, and more.