Podcast Video: Nutrition Doctor: “3 Foods WORSE than cocaine”- Eat This INSTEAD to Lose Weight & Balance Hormones! - Dr. Casey Means on Women of Impact

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If you’re experiencing symptoms like tiredness even after a “good” night's sleep, anxiety & depression, infertility, joint pain, neck pain, acne along your jawline, and generally just feeling like CRAP no matter what you do, then this episode of Women of Impact is for you!!

Coz those symptoms (and sooooo many more) can actually all be linked to 3 foods that you’re eating every single day that you should actually totally avoid. And when you do, it’s going to completely change the way you look at your health and the power YOU have, my homie, to improve it!!

Here to drop this truly life-changing knowledge is medical doctor, NYT best-selling author, and co-founder of a health technology company, Dr. Casey Means. And she is a woman on a frikin’ MISSION to educate people about the root cause of why so many of us are sick – and that’s because we fail to take care of our metabolic health.

A whopping 93% of Americans are struggling with their metabolic health right now (and honestly homie, you’re probably one of them)! That’s insane!!!!

This interview will help you connect the dots about what you put into your body and how it makes you feel, especially after we dig deep into:

  • The 3 foods that you should AVOID

  • What to eat instead to give your body GOOD energy

  • Tactical tools you can use to start putting better nutrition into your body TODAY!!

When you finish listening to this episode, you’ll know exactly what you have to do to start feeling better – literally from the inside out!!

You’ll have more energy, lose weight, increase your libido and fertility, clear your skin, and seriously homie, feel soooo much better!!! There are seriously SO many symptoms that are actually related to your metabolic health and that YOU have the power to improve, simply by paying attention to WHAT you put into your body.

And it’s NEVER TOO LATE to improve your nutrition, improve your health, and as a result improve your LIFE!!!! You can drastically better your life & increase your longevity, but ONLY if you take ownership of it, and this episode is here to help you.

What they discuss:

  • Confusion about nutrition & diet

  • The massive importance of metabolic health

  • Fresh food vs. calories

  • Optimizing your metabolic health

  • Mindful eating

  • Understanding the root causes of symptoms


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