Newsletter #38: 🧘♀️ Cultivating calm, plus lab testing deep dive
In the weekly spiritual lecture at Self-Realization fellowship (SRF) that my fiancé and I go to, I heard a message from the monk that REALLY landed with me and I want to share it with you. He said (and I’m paraphrasing here…), that if we are constantly praying for our own will power to be aligned with God’s will, and then have the courage to act on that, we will feel peace, calm, and joy.
⚡ The monk said, “peace, calm, and joy are the subtle cues of God’s energy with us. If we are feeling peaceful, we are in the frequency of God’s energy.”
If we are not feeling peaceful, we can and should move towards God, which basically means more prayer and meditation. If we are aligning our will power with God’s will, prana and life force will flow and we will have energy to do good work in the world. The prana that created every atom of the universe is in us. We are a part of that, not separate. By tuning into it, through prayer and meditation, we can do anything. He said, “if we follow God’s will, we will have all of Creation behind us.” Wow.

Newsletter #37: 🌳 Green burials + the “death industrial complex”
Anxiety and depression are rampant in America right now, with around a third of the population reporting an anxiety disorder and over 20% of adults having a major depressive episode in their lifetime. On top of this, chronic fatigue and brain fog are on the rise, and are linked to inflammation in the brain (a process called neuroinflammation). Hoards of scientific studies have suggested that diet and gut health have a profound impact on our mental health outcomes through the “gut-brain axis” as well as by the way in which our gut lining can protect our bodies from system-wide inflammation that can then trigger symptoms in the brain. A healthy gut lining and diverse microbiome serves as a strong barrier that limits the “outside world” from being able to overwhelm our bodies and cause problems (read an excerpt from Good Energy about this, here).

Newsletter #36: 🧠🌾 Wheat, gluten, and mental health: Exploring the link
Anxiety and depression are rampant in America right now, with around a third of the population reporting an anxiety disorder and over 20% of adults having a major depressive episode in their lifetime. On top of this, chronic fatigue and brain fog are on the rise, and are linked to inflammation in the brain (a process called neuroinflammation). Hoards of scientific studies have suggested that diet and gut health have a profound impact on our mental health outcomes through the “gut-brain axis” as well as by the way in which our gut lining can protect our bodies from system-wide inflammation that can then trigger symptoms in the brain. A healthy gut lining and diverse microbiome serves as a strong barrier that limits the “outside world” from being able to overwhelm our bodies and cause problems (read an excerpt from Good Energy about this, here).

Newsletter #35: 🇺🇸 My health wishlist for the next Administration
More than anything, I would like to see our future White House rally Americans to be healthy and fit. We need inspirational national leaders helping to inspire people to care about their health, the food they eat, and their fitness. We also need leaders who understand the relationship between human health and environmental health, which are inextricably linked. We cannot go on poisoning the earth without destroying our own health; we are one with nature.

Newsletter #34: ⌛️ Reorienting the "longevity" conversation (plus, healthy pumpkin fudge 🎃)
In this newsletter, I’ll be sharing my experience at the HLTH conference in Las Vegas, where I spoke on the main stage alongside prominent figures like Jill Biden, Halle Berry, and John Legend. I will be discussing the importance of metabolic health and the need to focus on the root causes of chronic disease. Plus, a healthy pumpkin fudge recipe! 🎃

Newsletter #33: 🥤 The FDA is not adequately protecting us from toxic food
For this newsletter, I’m sharing a story of how screwed up and tricky our food system is to navigate, and why eating real, unprocessed, organic food that we prepare at home is the way to go for the vast majority of our meals…

Newsletter #32: 💘 9 Steps I took to find love at age 35
In today’s newsletter, I want to discuss this by sharing some of my own personal and mental struggles and responses, which I hope will shed a light on these central aspects of building Good Energy.

Newsletter #31: ☀️15 ideas for a brighter future
In this newsletter, I'm sharing 15 (potentially controversial) ideas that I am thinking hard about as I start another year around the sun at age 37 ☀️ 🎂 . These are my personal opinions, based on my current knowledge and life experiences, on mindset shifts I think could help us more toward a healthier future for people and the planet. They will probably evolve over time, because that’s what should happen to ideas. I hope they support you on your journey of inquiry for a happy, healthy, engaged life.

Newsletter #30: 🇺🇸 Behind the scenes: Yesterday's historic Senate hearing on chronic disease + nutrition
In this newsletter, I’m sharing the full transcript of my Senate testimony from yesterday. I spoke alongside fearless physicians from Harvard and Johns Hopkins, health advocates, fitness experts, and health entrepreneurs.

Newsletter #29: 💊 Supplements 101: Choosing and dosing vitamins + minerals
In this newsletter, I'm sharing my thoughts on my personal supplementation strategy including 3 reasons why I take supplements, how to utilize testing to guide supplementation, and what I look for in supplement brands.

Commusings: On Rethinking Death by Dr. Casey Means
Commune shares an excerpt from Good Energy.

Podcast Video: How Do You AFFORD Nutritious Food When You Live in a FOOD Desert - Dr. Casey Means and Shawn Stevenson on A Whole New Level Podcast
Shawn Stevenson joins Casey on A Whole New Level where they discuss Shawn's journey from struggling to access nutritious food to achieving optimal health highlights the power of dietary changes in overcoming health challenges.

Newsletter #28: 📚 94 health books to CHANGE YOUR LIFE (plus, healthy school lunch resources!)
In this newsletter, I am sharing 94 books that I have personally read and loved on my journey to understanding a root cause approach to different diseases.

HOW THE MIND CONTROLS METABOLISM: Excerpt from the #1 New York Times Bestseller "Good Energy"
Rupa Health shares an excerpt from Good Energy about the intricate relationship between chronic fear and metabolic dysfunction, highlighting how our minds can significantly impact our physical health.

Podcast Video: Elite Establishment's Ties to Big Pharma, and Keys to Avoiding Ultra-Processed Food - Dr. Casey Means on The Megyn Kelly Show
Megyn Kelly interviews Dr. Casey Means about the hidden truths in the medical and healthcare establishment, including the influence of Big Pharma, the dangers of ultra-processed foods, and the importance of whole food nutrition.

It's 'historic' that healthy food is being talked about 'at the presidential level'
Metabolic health expert Dr. Casey Means gives her perspective on why it's so crucial that leaders focus on healthy nutrition for Americans on 'One Nation.'

Forget the Fads: True Health Is Built on Simplicity and Connection
Casey was featured in this week’s issue of Next Big Idea Club’s Book of the Day newsletter, where she shared 5 key insights from Good Energy.

The 10 Most Popular Books Right Now
Good Energy was featured as one of the top 10 most viewed books of the past week in this article on Barnes and Noble.

Newsletter #27: 📢 United voices change headlines! Plus, 8 strategies for healthy travel food ✈️
In this newsletter, I am sharing how I think about meal planning when logistics are more complicated yet we still want to eat organic, unprocessed, clean food for our cellular health and 8 strategies I use to make sure healthy eating is possible during travel.

Do you need a glucose monitor? Wellness enthusiasts are using diabetes arm patches to take control of their blood sugar
Casey was quoted in this fantastic piece by Gabby Landsverk for Business Insider. The article cites her perspective on metabolic health and the importance of blood glucose data.